HanseYachts is delighted to appoint TheOne Marine Finland as its new distributor serving Finnish
market. The partnership offers a brilliant opportunity to grow and develop a strong market presence
in the region for SeaLine and Ryck.
TheOne Marine Finland is passionate about delivering exceptional yachting experiences to its clients
around the region. With dedication to serve their customers TheOne Marine Finland has managed to
grow an impressive portfolio of marine products and services.
Both HanseYachts and TheOne Marine are really excited to kickstart this collaboration and are
looking for a long and successful journey together.
Arnoud Van Oudheusden, HanseYachts Regional Sales Manager of North Europe and United Kingdom comments:
“TheOne Marine team is incredibly dynamic and has already created an impressive reputation for
sales, service and support; their commitment will elevate our brands in Finland to the next level. By
their unique approach to build long-term relationships with their customers will definitely be a keyfactor in our success story.”
Miki Weckström, CEO of TheOne Marine Finland comments:
“We are extremely happy to have the opportunity to represent these two exceptionally well-built
boats in Finland. Germans are known from their top-class engineered cars, and we will make sure
the same will apply to their boats. We are looking forward to get to work with HanseYachts.”